I've gotten lots of "work" done and lots of scrap stuff unzipped and then I got to actually SCRAP! WOOHOO!
2012-06-02 Kolten Sleepover7 JBS_LifePages4_02
credits: waw_goodtimeswithyou, http://store.gingerscraps.net/Word-Art-World/, JBS_LifePages4, http://bit.ly/JBatGingerscraps, http://bit.ly/JBatDSS
keywords: word art world, just because studio, grandson, day, life, bonfire, sleepover, breakfast, brown, green, orange
font: na
program: PSE
2012-10-11 Random October Spirit Animal
credits: JBS_SpiritAnimal, http://bit.ly/JBatGingerscraps, http://bit.ly/JBatDSS/, template-SS21-210320, scrapstory21.blogspot.com
keywords: just because studios, scrapstory21 free template, grandson, fun, adventure, rust, yellow
font: MV Boli Regular
program: PSE
2015-04-30 HunterBecause18 ArtsyBlocks7_03
credits: mfish_ArtsyBlocks7, http://store.gingerscraps.net/Miss-Fish-Templates/, aimeeh_autumnlove, http://store.gingerscraps.net/Aimee-Harrison/, https://www.digitalscrapbookingstudio.com/aimee-harrison/
keywords: miss fish templates, aimee harrison designs, grandson, heart, love, family, tan, natural, orange
font: scribble2 Regular, EVA CUTE
program: PSE
2015-04-30 HunterBecause21 ArtsyPockets4_03
credits: mfish_ArtsyPockets4_03, http://store.gingerscraps.net/Miss-Fish-Templates/, aimeeh_autumntreasures, http://store.gingerscraps.net/Aimee-Harrison/, https://www.digitalscrapbookingstudio.com/aimee-harrison/
keywords: miss fish templates, aimee harrison designs, grandson, brother, love, mixitupchallenge, purple, red, yellow, orange, green
font: Veteran Typewriter Regular, KG TRIBECA STAMP
program: PSE
That's all for now.
Be Kind
Be Safe
Say 'I love you'
Love and Blessings
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