Fancy meeting you here again so soon..... I really thought I'd be so busy that I'd only get back to journal once or twice a week. Well, that may be how it eventually works, but for now, I'm taking the time I do have available to add entries. Rocks In Your Shoes is a country song (which is where I'm spending most of my time lately) sung by Emily West that refers to staying on course even when life smacks you in the face and tries to knock you down, if not out. That's what I'm feeling like this minute.
The point right now is that we're seriously informing the OC (oldest child) that she needs to leave the house. We love her so much and we just can't figure out WHAT we've done wrong that she's become so selfish and rude and inconsiderate that she thinks she can live here and be that way. She's decided to blame us for everything wrong in her life and acts like she is going to hold it against us even while living here, rent-free, come-and-go-as-you-please. We've set down some "Rules for Getting Along Together" and she's basically chosen to pick and choose the ones she wants to follow or not. By seriously I'm mean that I've told the OC that she's "moving out" several times in the past 6 months due to the above infractions, but I never follow-through. I've let her get away with completely disregarding me, her dad and her sister AND calling me several very ugly names last week. With school coming to a close, I just wanted to relax a few days and then address it next week. I was going to ask her to leave, but last night Fred had had enough and, when she got home, he told her that she had one week. She began crying and ended up leaving to spend the night at the boyfriend's (he was at his graduation-all-night-party). Wonder what she told his mom about that?!? Before she left she actually had the gaul to ask her sister, "Do you have any idea why Dad is making me leave?" She didn't respond.
Gotta run....I'll return with updates after softball with the TA (teen-ager)....the one who stills likes us.......................
Rocks In Your Shoes by Emily West
So you had some bad luck, life sucks
Can’t do nothin’ right
You took some wrong turns,
Got burned way too many times
And so you fall back with all that
hurt that just don’t wanna heal
So then you do the why me,
This can’t be happenin’ again
Hey what’s the deal man
I can’t take much more of this
You put your time in
Payed your dues
Believe me I know how you feel

I guess you gotta make a choice
When it hits the fan
You can get a little down or get a little mad
When there’s stones in the road
only one thing to do
You gotta learn to walk with rocks in your shoes
Come on!
I heard some good lies from bad guys
Makin’ me their mark
They did a drive by bang, bang
Big hole in my heart
Needed a crash cart, CPR
Sister I was fadin’ fast
I had a poor me trophy
Kept it on a shelf
Did the too proud,
Too cool to ask for any help
But when I gave in prayin’
I only got what answered back
And He said,
I guess you gotta make a choice
When it hits the fan
You can get a little down or get a little mad
When there’s stones in the road only one thing to do
You gotta learn to walk with rocks in your shoes
Come on!
Bitter’s like a weed
If you let it grow
It’s gonna trip you up, yeah
Somewhere down the road
To get where you’re going
There’s only one thing to do
You gotta learn to walk with rocks in your shoes
You better learn to walk with rocks in your shoes
Come on!
Keep on walkin’ with rocks in your shoes
This song talks to me about continuing to love her and persevere through her anger and mine. And, I'd hope it spoke to her about taking responsibility for her own actions and decisions and discontinue blaming "everyone else". Not that she'll ever read this. I don't think she knows that I have a blog. Another great country song right now that completely applies is, Back When I Knew It All by Montgomery Gentry. Maybe I'll put that in tomorrow.